Choosing background music is an important part of the video production process. The right track creates a certain mood and adds depth to the visuals and message of a video. A poorly chosen track, on the other hand, can be distracting and could make a video seem unprofessional.

Here are a few points to consider when choosing the perfect soundtrack to your video…

Define the mood

Music has the power to engage the brain on a subconscious level, and different styles can evoke very different emotions. Defining the mood you are trying to create should be your starting point when choosing a soundtrack. How do you want your viewers to feel when they watch your video — upbeat, excited, inspired, melancholy? Try a few options and see which one best fits the mood you’re looking for.

Think about your target audience

Every element of your video should be tailored towards your target audience — including the background music. If you have a niche market, choosing a genre of music that caters specifically to your audience will add extra impact. On the other hand, neutral music with a broader appeal is a safer option for wider audiences.

Foreground or background?

In many cases, you want your background music to stay in the background. If you’re including a voice over, for example, you don’t want to choose music that gets in the way. In which case, you should pick a track with a steady pace and no sudden changes in mood or instrumentation.

Consider the length of your video

Finding a song that perfectly fits the length of your video isn’t easy — and neither is cutting a track to size without any noticeable seams. If possible, choose music that loops. That way, you can seamlessly combine individual loops and construct a soundtrack that’s the ideal length for your video.

Understand copyright laws

As a rule, you need to obtain permission or a license to use any copyrighted music. Failing to do will only have negative consequences! When in doubt, stick to one of the many online music providers that have entire libraries of licensed background music at a range of different prices. If you are on a tight budget, YouTube Audio Library is a fantastic resource full of royalty free music.

I’m the CEO & Founder of video production agency Stada Media. If you need video, drop me an email directly – dannylacey@stadamedia.co.uk. Keep checking my blog for more video advice and insight!